Hex 291189
Metal Matrix 288519
Liberty 287820
Metalworks 287810
Black 287803
Rise 287815
VSi Black 287794
FS 10 Flip-Up 287798
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For use with most Miller helmets
For MP-10, XLix, Pro-Hobby, Classic, Performance, Elite, Infinity, and Titanium helmets. Compatible with most Fibre Metal and MSA hard hats
Provides easy access to welding helmets or face-shields hung from the belt
The helmet lighting accessory kit provides additional lighting in low-lit environments. It is compatible with most Miller and Hobart helmets to include Miller Titanium, Infinity, Elite, Performance, Classic, FS#10 and MP-10 helmets. Hobart Impact, Pro, Endeavor, and Discovery helmets.
For use with all Miller helmets except XLi series
Designed for durability, the jobsite tool bag allows for easy transportation and storage of welding gear, featuring over twenty separate pockets.
For use with all Miller helmets and most slotted hard hats.
For use with all Miller helmets
For use with Classic and Pro-Hobby helmets
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