ClearLight 4x Welding Helmet Lens Technology | MillerWelds

Up to 4x the Clarity Will Change the Way You Work

Start seeing your workpiece, puddle and wire the way you want to. With ClearLight 4x Lens Technology, you get a more detailed view before, during and after every weld. When clarity isn’t a barrier anymore, you finally have the visibility to showcase your ability — all in comfortable Miller® helmets that exceed the safety standard.


Miller® ClearLight 4x Lens vs. Other Lenses

When compared to ClearLight 4x, the 1/1/1/1 tech in other manufacturer helmets doesn't maintain the same level of visibility. Our brighter light state makes all the difference.

  • Better Clarity, Increased Productivity.
    A clearer view helps ensure welders can continue working and remain helmet down.
  • Safety Stays a Priority.
    Less time spent raising and lowering your hood means reduced eye strain and improved protection from preventable injuries.


ClearLight™ 4x Technology Gives Welders Better Visibility

The latest auto-darkening lens technology from Miller — ClearLight Lens Technology — improves visibility by allowing a greater range of colors through the lens, providing a more natural view while helmets are down. Our lens technology's superior visibility was measured by the ANSI Z87.1 visibility test.

clearlight 4x visibility chart

See What the Difference Really Looks Like

ClearLight™ 4x Technology Now Available on the Following Helmets:

The Results Are in and There's a Clear Winner

clearlight 4x blind study chart





In a recent comparison study of welding lenses among active welders, ClearLight technology was unanimously preferred over 1/1/1/1 lenses.