Muscle Car Restoration Shop Improves Air Quality and Productivity with Miller® FILTAIR® MWX Mobile Fume Extractor | MillerWelds

Muscle Car Restoration Shop Improves Air Quality and Productivity with Miller® FILTAIR® MWX Mobile Fume Extractor

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Implementing Miller® FILTAIR® MWX Mobile Fume Extractor helped improve air quality and productivity for Muscle Car Restoration employees.
Image of Miller Fitair MWX mobile fume extractor in use
Muscle Car Restoration Fume Extraction

A needed change

Muscle Car Restorations, Inc., a premiere restoration company located in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, specializes in restoring some of the rarest and most valuable muscle cars. With over 30 years in the industry, Muscle Car Restorations works to restore the beauty and uniqueness of each car that enters their shop.

Muscle Car Restorations employees work on cars that have been chemically stripped and most of the time, the metal is left untreated. In order to prevent flash rust from occurring, the shop is fully enclosed and air conditioned. However, welding in this enclosed environment results in a higher accumulation of weld fume throughout the shop. Ben Peotter, Executive Vice President of Muscle Car Restorations, explained that his employees needed a better solution to decrease the amount of weld fume produced within their shop, and that capturing fume effectively was their biggest challenge they faced on a daily basis. 

“When you’re cutting or welding on vehicles, whether they’ve been painted or have primers on the backside, this creates a lot of fumes. And there’s a lot of times where we are not only welding but cutting or heating a part of the vehicle to get it loose and the residual oil and/or old paint can produce a lot of fumes within the shop.”

“We needed to make a change. So, I began looking at options,” said Peotter. He was aware that Miller had a line of fume extraction equipment and that their industrial products were highly recognized. He decided to do his research to learn more about the product offerings that Miller had along with other options available on the market. By reviewing the Miller product page and spec sheets, and then comparing them against other fume extraction equipment, Peotter was able to clearly identify the best option for his workplace – Miller FILTAIR MWX Mobile Fume Extraction System with the 12-foot extraction arm.

What sold us 

Price point is a big factor for most companies. When searching for equipment, products need to fall within budget. With price in mind, Miller FILTAIR MWX had major benefits that would be beneficial to Muscle Car Restorations. The biggest advantage was portability. “We wanted something that was highly portable to share amongst our 3-4 technicians so they could move it around when needed,” stated Peotter. With the MWX being a mobile fume extractor, employees can easily pull this system out for use and quickly store it away from other equipment when it’s not in use.  

The sound rating was another major benefit along with the high airflow rate. Peotter said, “We’ve been using the MWX for several months now. Employees are not disturbed by the sound, and you can hardly notice it’s there while in use.” 

“It was a pretty easy choice,” added Peotter. The portability of this unit, 12-foot long arm, and high airflow rate was everything Peotter was looking for all within budget. “Miller’s reputation, resources, and availability made the purchase seamless,” replied Peotter. 

Key features of FILTAIR® MWX

The MWX features large, rear wheels so the user can easily move the system from one work area to another. The lockable, swivel caster wheels allow the system to stay in place even during arm movement. 

Sound level
The sound level at 5-feet is 70 dBA for quieter operation. 

The Accu-Rated™, true, accurate airflow at the inlet of the collection hood is 875 cfm. The nominal airflow rate is 1,200 cfm.

Durable bellmouth-shaped hood
One of the largest in the industry, the extraction hood captures weld fume at a greater distance from the source than other hood designs, which means the welder doesn’t need to adjust the arm as frequently, resulting in fewer hood adjustments. 

Easy-to-operate extraction arm 
Comes preassembled and is available in 7-, 10- and 12-foot lengths. The arm can be easily adjusted and offers reliable and accurate positioning. 

Self-cleaning mechanism
MWX-S models have a self-cleaning mechanism. Simply push the button on the control panel to activate the pulse cleaning cycle which cleans the filter from the inside out. Weld fume particulate is removed from the filter and safely deposited into the particulate disposal drawer. 

Built-in tool tray 
An added bonus with this system is the built-in tool tray that provides workers with a convenient area to place their tools so they don’t roll off the unit. 

The right tool for the job

As the employees of Muscle Car Restorations use the MWX more frequently, they are seeing the value this fume extraction system brings to their work environment. “It has an impact on our quality,” says Peotter. Employees of Muscle Car Restorations are more comfortable while working, and they’ve seen a measurable increase in productivity as there is more time on task. 

“It just works,” stated Peotter. “There was no hesitation from our employees. The noise level is so low that we’re not afraid to have it running. It was easy to setup and came preassembled.”

Peotter added, “If you’re considering the Miller MWX, don’t hesitate. Once we had it, we started using it more and more.” 