Quantitative Face-Fit Test Kit | MillerWelds

Quantitative Face-Fit Test Kit

This kit includes tubing and two adapters that allow the LPR-100™ and LPR-100™ O/V to be quantitatively fit tested with a TSI Portacount Fit Test Machine.


What's Included

  • 2 Adapters and Tubing
Fit Testing is required for mandatory tight-fitting facepiece respirator use
Primary purpose of fit testing is to identify the specific make, model, style, and size of respirator best suited for each respirator user.
Respirator fit testing methods
Can be administered via Qualitative and/or Quantitative methods. Qualitative is a pass/fail fit test that is based on the respirator wearer’s reaction to an irritant to detect leakage into the respirator face piece. Quantitative uses a machine to measure actual amount of leakage into the face piece and does not rely on wearer’s senses.   Learn More


Product Literature

General Specifications

Title Quantitative Face-Fit Test Kit
Warranty Miller's True Blue Warranty
