3 Phaze Fab Success With Miller Intuitive Welding Technology | MillerWelds

3 Phaze Fab's Success With Miller's Intuitive Welding Technology

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How a Wisconsin-based metal fabricator leveraged Miller’s Deltaweld® 350 and Intellx™ Elite to simplify welding processes for all skill levels.

3 Phaze Fab, a metal fabricator based in Kaukauna, Wisconsin, has relied on Miller technology for its welding needs since owner/welder Kurt Wollenberg opened his doors more than 30 years ago. From doing aluminum for the military to agricultural work to power generation, 3 Phaze Fab handles a wide range of projects across its 15 welding cells. Kurt, who currently co-owns the shop with Tad Kallas, attributes their operation’s success to an unwavering commitment to quality work and deadlines.

While the years have brought highs and lows and plenty of changes, there have been a few constants at 3 Phaze Fab: a perseverance mindset and the presence of blue boxes. While Wollenberg’s first decade as a welder exposed him to machines from a mix of manufacturers, his and Kallas’ shop has always run on Miller — and some of those machines have been running since Day 1, among them the Axcess® and XMT® 304.

Using Equipment to Enhance Capabilities and Output

Earlier in 2024, 3 Phaze Fab was considering adding new equipment to its operation. The rationale was twofold: ensuring the continuation of high-quality work with optimal throughput and addressing challenges with staffing. As for the work, machines play a critical role in helping maintain a track record of quality and timeliness. As for the welders doing that work, certain machines are easier to use, and the ability to use them well is often dependent on experience. Given the labor shortage the industry is facing, such experience can be hard to come by. “One of the biggest challenges in the last five years has been mostly getting staff, getting skilled welders,” Wollenberg says.

New technology and features like intuitive interfaces on the latest machines are beneficial to all welders, but especially to those newer to the job. They can also provide great upside for an operation, increasing capacity to deliver more high-quality welds, consistently. With that in mind, 3 Phaze Fab connected with the Miller team about new machines and decided to add Deltaweld® 350 and Intellx™ Elite to their portfolio.

Designed to reduce training time and simplify parameter setup, the Deltaweld system with Intellx Elite doesn’t require a seasoned operator to get the weld right. Rather, its user-friendly screen makes setup easy, eliminating guesswork for advanced processes and fast-tracking productivity. This is a win for all welders, but especially those who are newer to the craft. Not only that, but the customer support that Miller offers makes new product integration even easier.

A Miller team happened to be on-site for delivery, so a weld engineer was able to train the 3 Phaze Fab operators on how to use the new system. Knowing that welders can be resistant to change, Miller is there every step of the way so that customers not only know how to use the equipment but also understand that it will make doing their jobs that much easier. Wollenberg said he was impressed by how seamlessly the transition went, especially given that operators tend to be set in their ways.

“They spent an hour helping us set it up and showing us how to use it,” Wollenberg said. “I couldn't believe how quickly my team adapted. It was so simple, and my team was actually impressed and said they didn’t expect it to be that good right out of the box.”

Discovering the Benefits and ROI of Advanced Processes

Four months into using the Deltaweld 350 and Intellx Elite, 3 Phaze Fab reported that the operation was reaping substantial benefits in terms of efficiency and operator satisfaction.

“The ease of using it, especially when it switches from operator to operator or process to process, is so intuitive that lesser-skilled operators aren't wasting time setting up and are confident in it,” Wollenberg said. “When you can save 20 to 30 minutes every time we switch a process throughout the week, that’s a lot of time.”

And arc-on time is money. The ease of use has reduced setup time from half a day to literally 15 minutes for some jobs, Wollenberg said. Not to mention the many other benefits that are associated with the Deltaweld system’s advanced processes:

  • Versa-Pulse™: Versa-Pulse boasts a stable arc that enables faster travel speeds and high precision. The process comes in very handy for specialty work and jobs involving thinner materials, the latter of which are common at 3 Phaze Fab. By switching from conventional pulse and MIG processes to Versa-Pulse, the shop has achieved a 30% gain in throughput savings. The team uncovered such upside at a time when they couldn’t get enough staff. “We increased 30% without adding another a person. So that payoff was huge,” Wollenberg said.

  • Accu-Pulse®: Of all the Miller advanced processes, Accu-Pulse technology offers the widest range of materials and thicknesses, and it has given less-experienced 3 Phaze Fab welders the ability to increase their efficiency. Accu-Pulse delivers a stable arc and the precise control required for turning out quality welds quickly and consistently, regardless of an operator’s skill level. Wollenberg added, “You don’t get the heat input that you would from a typical spray, so there’s no spatter and it makes our throughput better.”

  • HD (High Deposition) MIG: With a high deposition rate and lower heat input, HD MIG makes it possible to produce big welds faster with more control and less distortion on large structures. It lends well to the structural steel fabrication, equipment work and heavy manufacturing projects that are common inside 3 Phaze Fab’s walls.

  • Regulated Metal Deposition (RMD®): The RMD process reduces the welding current to create a consistent metal transfer and easy puddle control, generating less spatter, more uniform welds and fewer joint fit-up issues. Wollenberg said RMD has been a huge time-saver, citing a stainless project involving a 20-gauge butt joint and a brushed finish as an example. That project was cosmetic in nature, and distortion was a big concern. Given that, he said he quoted for TIG welding and had planned for extra efforts to ensure quality. Then, RMD changed the game. “Not only did the parts come out well, but we killed it on our rate because it is probably 10 times faster than TIG welding,” Wollenberg said. “Now we do mostly RMD on our stainless-steel welding.”

Staying Competitive and Moving Forward With Confidence

Because the Deltaweld 350 and Intellx Elite feeder are so easy to use, Wollenberg says his operators have more confidence in their work and even fight over who gets to use the equipment for their projects.

“This stuff works great. It allows us to do everything from thick to thin aluminum, from 20-gauge stainless to two-inch-thick plates with 30-plus passes and everything in between,” Wollenberg said. “I don't have any concern about the Deltaweld not being able to do it.”

He also said the new equipment has helped with recruiting welders to 3 Phaze Fab because his team talks about how user-friendly it is. Not to mention the level of support that the Miller team has provided to help them make the most of the advanced processes available to them.

“With the support of Miller, I’m confident in managing both workforce and staffing workload for the future,” Wollenberg said. “And I’m ready to tackle harder-to-weld projects and complicated weldments like thinner materials, especially in the aluminum and stainless-steel world, which will help us stay competitive.”


Author: Ethan Rosler, Weld Engineer


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