Looking for Project Funding? The Free Grant Assistance Tool Can Help!
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Are you a welding instructor or training program administrator looking for grant resources to fund new equipment or classroom upgrades? Get the free Grant Assistance Tool today.
Many welding programs and training facilities are facing tighter budgets, making it harder for organizations to invest in equipment and facility upgrades. Funding alternatives such as grants from public or private funders can be one potential source of support for welding-related investments and upgrades.
However, grant funding can be a highly competitive process, and you may have questions about how to identify available funding sources and apply for grants. It’s important to closely match a grant application with the goals and mission of the grant funder, which makes it more likely that funding will be awarded.
If you have questions about the grant process, Miller can help. The free Grant Assistance Tool can help you research appropriate grants for your project, and it has tips for preparing a strong grant application. The tool provides helpful information for high school and community college welding instructors and administrators at welding training facilities who are looking for funding sources for new equipment, facility expansions and other projects.
The newly updated resource now has more in-depth information and includes details about new welding technologies and innovations that can be purchased with grant funding, such as the new AugmentedArc™ augmented reality welding system and the LiveArc™ welding performance management system from Miller. Your organization may be eligible for grant funding to purchase these valuable training resources that help build skills and experience.
Get the free Grant Assistance Tool at https://www.millerwelds.com/products/augmented-arc-livearc.