Welding Training Resources - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding | MillerWelds

Training Series - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

Newly updated, the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Publication has full-color illustrations and describes the capabilities of todays advanced AC welding power supplies such as the Dynasty® 350 and the many adjustments available on such a machine. This GTAW publication contains well over 100 color illustrations to help understand this more complex arc welding process. Some of the topics discussed are Alternating Current, Frequency, AC Wave Shapes, Polarity, Arc Rectification, Balanced and Unbalanced Waveforms, Adjustable Frequency, Independent Current Control, Pulsed GTAW, and much more. 66 Full Color pages (spiral bound) - 8 1/2 x 11 To order, call 1-866-931-9732 or email: Literature@millerwelds.com.


General Specifications

Title Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

