Base tube used for setting the focal distance. Should be used with the nozzle extension tube for either aluminum or steel.
Welding nozzle used for autogenous welding of tee joints.
Welding nozzle used for butt or lap joints.
Cleaning nozzle kit including all 3 styles (outside corner, 1-point and 2-point)
For use with OptX™ Torch
Optimizes the focal distance for welding on steel.
Welding nozzle used for butt or lap joints.
Welding nozzle used for autogenous welding for all types of joints.
Optimizes the focal distance for welding on aluminum.
Welding nozzle used for wire welding for all types of joints.
Cleaning nozzle used for butt joints.
Cleaning nozzle used for outside corners or edge joints.
Cleaning nozzle used for inside corners, such as tee or lap joints.